Five siblings inherit a blanket. They lie beneath it, together, to stay warm.
          But arms and legs stick out and the siblings squabble and tug. They do
          not realize that they would all fit if they just moved closer together.

This is the Blanket Story. Poets, artists, and musicians have responded to this tale in creative ways. All poems appear here, our ONLINE POETRY SHOWCASE. Visit our main page to find out more about the project.

Janelle Adsit

Introduction to World Peace, Course Final
after Conchitina Cruz

a. in the power of willed wealth
b. in the power of wealth willed
c. in willpower
d. none of the above

a. they had words for certainty
b. they had a sense for the sovereignty of dirt
c. they had an agreement that was actually a claim
d. they had the capacity for intended interruptions

a. under the blanket, if they had not already been looking there
b. under the blanket, but they were uncomfortable beside each other
c. under the blanket, which was colored in a way they didn’t like
d. under the blanket, since it couldn’t be used for anything else

a. by the car that would have caused the end
b. by the unused room that could have been
c. by the cafeteria that has been for quite some time
d. by the waiting room that would have to hide the empty syringe

a. the argument wasn’t worth having
b. the argument wasn’t about having
c. the argument was that having is not worth much at all
d. the argument had something and therefore couldn’t be what it was worth

a. the blanket was all talk
b. the blanket was taken for granted
c. the blanket wasn’t taken at all
d. the blanket was a type of token

a. because no one could get outside to distribute it
b. because no one could feel the warmth
c. because the one outside would be the most and least powerful
d. because each body felt only its own heat

a. no—or perhaps, according to familiarity
b. of course, like finding what would have, has been for quite some time
c. if so, despite the absence
d. maybe, if nothing more than nothing else

a. from the gasoline can that would ignite
b. from the legal document that disclosed an error
c. from the inevitable boredom that the rope tries to stave off
d. from the mouth that could be pressed to the ground

a. maybe tomorrow, or however long after, if we just
b. right this minute, if only we search high or low
c. it might be, if we keep up
d. none above